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Crops protection

image du produit de biocontrôle PEL101GV®

Biocontrol PEL101GV ®

What is a biocontrol product?

Biocontrol products correspond to the set of plant protection methods that use natural mechanisms.
The Ministry of Agriculture defines biocontrol as: “a set of plant protection methods based on the use of natural mechanisms. Alone or associated with other means of plant protection, these techniques are based on the mechanisms and interactions that govern the relationships between species in the natural environment. Thus, the principle of biocontrol is based on managing the balance of populations of aggressors rather than on their eradication. (…) They include in particular:
  • Macro-organisms
  • Plant protection products which are composed of micro-organisms, of chemical mediators such as pheromones and kairomones, or of substances natural plant, animal or mineral origin. »

  • Crop protection specialist, CR Distribution also develops biocontrol products.


    Renforce la résistance de la vigne au gel

    Issu d’extraits naturels, PEL101GV® active certaines voies métaboliques pour abaisser de 1 à 2°C la température à laquelle l'eau des cellules va geler. PEL101GV® limite l'impact du gel tout en préservant le développement et le rendement de votre culture.
    Appliqué en foliaire 24 à 48 h avant le gel, PEL101GV® est le partenaire pour accompagner les vignes face au gel et augmenter la résistance au gel de 1 à 2 °C.
    Composition du PEL101GV® (AMM N°2070108) :
    Heptamaloxyloglucane, sucre complexe issu de la pomme et neutre d'un point de vue toxicologique et éco toxicologique.

    Download the product sheet

    pictogramme de validationContact our biocontrol specialist

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    Other plant protection products

    For limited usages, doses, conditions and restrictions of use : please refer to the label of the product and to the following website : www.phytodata.com.

    PEL101GV : 874 g/kg of heptamaloxyglucan. Number of AMM : 2070108.
    Owned by ELICITYL. Exempt of classification.
    Responsible for marketing : CR Distribution, 71 Route du bord de l'Eau, 33270 BOULIAC.

    February 2018 – Cancel and replace the previous version. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that he / she has the last version of this document.